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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Share with her

It is well known fact males prefer hiding their problems from people around them. One important reason behind such behavior is their attitude. Males prefer solving their problems themselves and sharing problems with someone is like expressing that he has failed to overcome that problem. And here their male thinking stops them from sharing their thoughts. Males hate it if someone thinks that they are unfit to solve their own problems.

While on the other hand females prefer sharing their thoughts with people around them and this is the best way they know to ease of their tension. The difference in thinking between the two starts creating confusions in their relationship when these characteristics of theirs collide.

When he withdraws from her just because he is facing some problem and he prefers solving it himself, she starts taking it personally. She feels like he is ignoring her and that he doesn’t trust her. As per her nature she will start digging in so that she might be able to know what it is he is tensed at. This is an effort from her side to know his problem and help him out with the same. But any male would hate being forced to say his thoughts and that too in a situation when his brain is busy working on the complex problem, which he is facing.

Males need to understand that she has a right to talk about her feelings of being ignored and unsupported just as he has the right to withdraw when confused at something. When in such times she feels the need to talk about his feelings then he should validate his feelings. If he isn’t ready to share his problem completely then he should at least ease her tension by saying that “I know you want to help me out but please let me solve it my way. I am capable of doing this.”

Once you explain your situation to her then she will surely understand what you are going through and will gift you with the space that you want. She will be confused that why is he ignoring her when the understanding between them has been awesome so far? His explanation to her can do wonders and save their relationship from going to the world of unending confusions.

Do share your problems with her. After all she is your better half!

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