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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ladies first(not always)

Those day are past when women wanted the helping hand of males so as to rise to the heights of success. Be it silver screen, army, IT, medical, fashion or whatever, females have started to perform at a much better level when compared to males. Now, instead of going extra philosophical let us talk about the lighter view of the quote Ladies First which the females of today want men to understand.

Misunderstanding in a relationship is common and so is mental tension and loneliness for both male and female. In such situations instead of waiting for the other to break ice males should take lead and apologize. Here apologizing doesn’t exactly mean to say sorry but to discuss with your other half the reasons behind your problems and to sort them off.

Many times when he is tensed, he goes silent and expects her to know what is the problem and what she should do. In such situations he won’t understand that she is a human too and she will think as per her behavior when she gets tensed. Here the job of male is to express to her that he is facing some problem but he can handle it himself and she need not worry. He has to be the first one to express the problems so as to lighten the tension.

These were just two of the many steps which explained how his first steps might help in maintaining the excitement of a relationship. Here I will add two more points where males can take the first step to maintain the liveliness in a relationship:

  • Gifts, yes! Why expect her to ask for gifts? How about males going regular with gifts?
  • Instead of waiting for her to express her thoughts he should try and creep into her brain to know what exactly she is tensed at. Initially she might resist this but later on she will feel easy once she shares her problems. After all females love to talk.

To summarize falling in love and starting a relationship is easy but you will have to be creative to continue with it with same intensity. Instead of waiting for her to do the hard work and be creative why can’t males themselves be the first? What say?

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