Lie on your back and stretch your body. Place your hands beside your thighs, palms facing down. Inhale and raise both legs slowly, till they are at 90° to your waist. Don’t lift your head. Using your hands as pivots, lift your waist and stretch your legs beyond your head, trying to touch the ground behind with your feet. Keep your knees straight. Hold this position for as long as you can, breathing normally. Return to original position, bringing your legs back very slowly and ensuring that your palms and head stay on the floor and your knees stay straight. Do this asana once or twice.
Caution: Avoid this asana if you suffer from slip disc, backache or cervical spondylosis.
Benefits: This asana is very useful for mental and physical development as it activates the thyroid glands, increases height (works best for those under 20 years), counters obesity and boosts digestion.
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